Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Moviment Chola is beautiful!

I spent some time in my neighbors land, Chile, Bolivie and Peru, in the last weeks...Not my first time there, but I could realise an onipresence "caracter" - the Latin America woman. I say caracter in a good way, because their own female details made them almost designed by a Vargas Llosa or Garcia Marquez novel.

Normally, we call this woman chola and there is a special proud in being one. 
Chola has a peculiar way of dress, complete different for a occidental woman. I didn´t go deeper in the real origins, but I am more interest in what is going nowdays in this generation who still dressing as they grandmothers and feelling proud of it. For a moment, I considered it was just for tourists, but it happens in small towns without a turistic importance.

Then, It come to other subject the real importance of the woman in latin america society. Cholas carry the baby in the back while she is working as a seller, a tourist guide, a worker in the coca planations and at home. They do this not because all the modern psycologic books say it is good for a mother being close to a child. They do this because they need to do... there is no other option.

Talking about beauty, ocidental normal patterns tell you should be thin, blond and with big breasts. If you really beliave on this like most of brazilian girls you may get frustrated or spend all your life to matching impossilbe esthetical criteria because it is just genetically, cultural or enviromental. Can you imagine a chola working out a gym or having a facial peeling?

So, I could see all these amazing woman working hard and wearing this colourful strange outfit, with a special attention for the size of the hips, not the breast! Just have a message for me... we are latin american woman and we need respect. The beauty patterns of our brazilian neighbors should be revisited!
We are not barbie's dolls!

This is the start of Chola is beautiful moviment!
Enjoy it!

Sorry, english mistake... too much langages working at the same time.

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