Sunday, July 4, 2010

Brazilian Brigadeiro - Confort Food after the Brazilian Eliminatory from WorldCup!

So... we lost! Soccer is really a major sport and World Cup is a special time every 4 years. Almost everything stop... I work in a medical area that is not suppose to stop... but sometimes we stop! There is a single crazy surgeon who will operate a non-emergency patient in that time, even the patient prefer waiting for the score. Can you understand how sad are we after the eliminatory?

There is a typical confort food: Brigadeiro!
It is a small chocolate ball with grated chocolate outside. It is made with condensed milk (is that the right name?). Well, it is served usually in kid's birthday parties...(also in mine). In Porto Alegre, we call "negrinho" for the same sweet.

When I was too stressed, I usually ask for some "brigadeiro"... so I offer this brigadeiro to Elano and Dunga, my favorite guys in World Cup 2010!

01 can of sweetened condensed milk
01 table spoon of margarine or butter unsalted
04 to 06 table spoons of cocoa powder
Grated chocolate for decoration!

Well, mix the condensed milk, the butter and the cocoa powder in a pan, first cold. Set it to the moderated heat, keep stirring all the time. It may take some good 5-10 minutes. You will know when to stop when you see the bottom of the pan. Let it cold for 20 minutes. Make small balls and roll the balls in th grated chocolate until it gets complete cover.

All the measure can be change from country to country because the percentage of sugar or fat change too, when I used a russian condensed milk once I need some little milk and stark to get the right consistency...

Enjoy it!

There is a book wrote by a chef just about it (only in Portuguese):
"O Livro do Brigadeiro"

1 comment:

  1. I could definitelly use some confort food right now! Not for World Cup purposes as you know...
    But can you make some for me instead of teaching me how to? =D



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